Monday, October 27, 2008

Update on "Miracle"

Today, we went to the "baby doctor". At least that is what Camille calls it. My blood pressure and my weight gain is all where it should be. I am measuring right at 38 weeks and have not started dilating yet. I never did with Camille. My water broke on the day she was due and like 5% of babies she was born on her due date. The doctors are saying my due date is November 12 which is 40 weeks and they will induce me if I have not delivered by 41 weeks. Some people say second babies come sooner, while others say their second one have come late. My doctor says they usually come around the same time the first one did. So, right now we are on baby watch. Only God and this baby know when the time is.

Camille is very excited about being a big sister. Every night at bedtime, she kisses and snuggles my belly constantly. She has also started singing to her "The ABC song" and "Jesus Love Me", both verses. She is very proud of herself when she does. "Miracle" really responds to Camille's voice and really seems to like it. She especially loves it when Camille laughs. Sometimes I think they have what they say about a twin connection. Because, Camille always seems to know where in my tummy that "miracle" is and "miracle" seems to really respond and move a lot when Camille is playing near my tummy.

I can't wait to meet our little "miracle" and be a family of four. But, I am most looking forward to Camille's reaction the first time she meets her sister. Definitely going to be a Kodak moment.

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