Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Amelia at Home

The day that Amelia was born, Jamey was feeling sick. He stayed the night with us, but went home when Camille came to the hospital. He slept the day hoping to feel better. My mom stayed the night with me to help with Amelia.

When Amelia came home from the hospital, I asked that Jamey wear a mask to prevent Amelia from getting sick. A few days later, I started feeling sick so I wore one. When Camille saw me, she asked me if I was a pig. I tried to explain to her that I was sick and didn't want to get Amelia sick. But, she didn't understand. She just knew she wanted to be a pig, too.

Here are some pictures of us in our masks:

Camille, Amelia and Jamey (in his mask as a "pig") reading a book

Camille and I (as pigs) and Amelia

Camille loves holding Amelia and giving her kisses and snuggles. She hasn't quite learned that she needs to be gentle with her baby sister. She is learning though. She asks to hold her, but if Amelia starts crying she asks me to hold the baby. Camille loves being a big sister. She won't let you change Amelia's diaper without letting her help. It is so cute that she wants to help out.

Camille giving Amelia kisses

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